
commonterroir is the virtual common ground between two twenty-something ladies.  It’s likely that the content will have something to do with food, yoga, wine, travel, health, happiness and positive change. Terroir is the embodiment of the characteristics of a place and the events that shaped a given product. In this case, the product is the journey of our lives, and the celebration of that which brings us together.

Angela Cotton

I’m Angela. I live in northern California. I work at The French Laundry. When I’m not in a suit, I’m a writer. Suit or no suit, I’m a foodie. I love food and wine and restaurants and coffee. I was born and raised in Boulder, Colorado. I’m addicted to the sun and a good workout. I have a love affair with Italy: my heritage, my family and Brunello. And I believe that there is nothing more beautiful than sitting down at a table, a tavola, to pop a cork, share a menu, and fill up on conversation.

Caitlin Rose Kenney

I’m Caitlin Rose. I practice and teach yoga in Boulder, CO. When I am not yoga-ing I hang out in cafes, beekeep, and ruminate about past, present and future travels. I believe in following your heart, discovering passion, and feeding your soul in order to achieve positive change. My mantra is positive evolution. I think Truth is more powerful than medication. I find peace in the beauty of the journey and in the depths of a freshly poured glass of wine.

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